FYI, Old Tech Still Works

I’m currently lusting after a MacBook Air for my mobile life.

For the past 5-6 years, a laptop has been my main system. But I was recently blessed with an iMac, which has become my “main” machine.

Mostly, I use my iBook for browsing the ‘Net, and writing. My iBook is a 600MHz G3 with a 802.11b airport card.

But I must say, when listening to 128K radio streams or music from our music library (a TiBook that’s now our media server), it works great!

[UPDATE] As I re-read this few days later, I realize that I said that I’ve been using a laptop for the past 5-6 years, but I just remembered that before my TiBook, I was using a PowerBook 3400. As a freelancer, it was a great machine. And being mobile was efficient and freeing! I purchased my 3400 (200Mhz 603e) in ’98 or ’99. 10 years ago! Yikes!

I Love iTunes!

Sometimes, while browsing with my iBook, I’ll open up iTunes and listen to a radio station. I usually listen to my local classical station, KPBS.

When I tuned in, I wasn’t really interested in what was playing. I hopped over to the listings under Ambient, and I found “Birdsong Radio.”

I thought “clever name” and I clicked on the link. I was expecting some ambient chill, but it really is birdsongs!

I can totally see putting this on when I don’t know what I want to listen to. I love the ‘Net!

Getting the Parts in Place

Once upon a time, I wanted to create a great web presence. It would includes posts and photos and videos and links and more!

But I always got tied up in the CMS (Content Management System). My first was Frontier. Later, I was going to make my own, using XML-RPC, then I used Radio (from Userland, which was really an updated version of Frontier) There was a big mess with Radio upgrades, and so I thought I’d build my own.

Well, that hasn’t happened.

So I’m here at WordPress (thanx WP!) and now the photos are going to Flickr. I’ll be working on integrating them all.

Which is really what I want to do. Create and fiddle with code.

Winter WonderlandHere’s my first Flickr photo.